How do I use the LifeMD platform to access my appointment?

Accessing your LifeMD appointment is easy. Simply log in to your portal a few minutes before your appointment is due to start.. Click on “Enter waiting room” at the top of the screen. You’ll be brought to the virtual waiting room.


Then simply click the “Join call” button to officially join your appointment. Your doctor will be there and ready to meet with you at the scheduled start time. join-call.jpg

Before starting your call, be sure you've made any necessary adjustment to the audio or video settings on your device. settings.jpg

Once you're in your appointment, you'll be able to talk on video with your doctor or nurse practioner. There will also be a chat box and the option to upload any documents such as photos. When it’s time to end your appointment, simply click the red hangup button.



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If you have any additional questions, call us at 1-800-852-1575 or email us at

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